Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Payphone Podcast #5 - Behind the Scenes Special

(Originally uploaded 1st June 2016)

Hello Payphone People! Welcome to by far the worst episode of Harry Hardy's Payphone Podcast so far, presented by a person with a rapidly deteriorating voice (which sometimes makes him sound a bit like Tony Blackburn if you listen carefully). In this absolute abomination, Harry bores you by making you listen to a phone ring for three minutes, takes you on a whistle-stop tour of Manchester's most disgusting tourist attraction, and reads a long list of universities as part of joke that ultimately fails. If that hasn't convinced you to listen to this episode, there is a call featuring a very nice man towards the end of the podcast that might make you smile, so you could just skip all of the dull bits and listen to that if you'd like. It's totally up to you. Enjoy!


  1. What's the deal with this stuff? Can't find any audio anywhere.
