Friday, 22 April 2016

Payphone Podcast #4 - A Ticket to Birmingham (feat. Ed Surname)

(Originally uploaded 22nd April 2016)

Hello and welcome to the fourth episode of the world's most payphone-heavy podcast - Harry Hardy's Payphone Podcast! In this fun-packed episode, comedian and filmmaker Ed Surname is the special guest, as Harry flounders and mispronounces approximately 100% of the words that come out of his mouth. Some of the hard-hitting issues dealt with in this episode include: the tragic loss of a pizza ranking system, the feeling of guilt caused by inconveniencing a nice lady, and whether or not it is nicer to study in Italy or Lancashire. Enjoy!

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Payphone Podcast #3 - Ringing Phones (feat. Lauren Johnstone)

(Originally uploaded 17th April 2016)

Welcome to episode 3 of Harry Hardy's Payphone Podcast - the only podcast on the internet that has payphones in it! In this rollercoaster ride of an episode, Harry is joined in the studio by his university friend Lauren, who only seems to want to talk about the Odds Game and make fun of drunk old men from Preston. This thrilling instalment promises to tackle some of the questions you've been asking yourself for ages. Is it better to be from Manchester or Surrey? Is it shameful to drink five pints of overpriced lager and fall asleep on an overnight Megabus back home? And is that guy in Newcastle going to buy something for his tea from that Tesco down the road? Tune in to find out! (Also, follow Lauren on Twitter @LaurenMaryJ13 and follow Harry too @JHenryHardy!) Enjoy!

Friday, 1 April 2016

Payphone Podcast #2 - Three Call Spectacular! (feat. Tom and Max from the FirstyBoyz)

(Originally uploaded 1st April 2016)

In this episode of Harry Hardy's Payphone Podcast, Harry is joined in the studio with two rising stars of YouTube - Tom McManus and Max Smith from the FirstyBoyz! Issues discussed in this edition include the geographic location of Ayr compared to that of Northumberland, forgetting some people's birthdays while remembering those of others, and the disgusting state of the majority of payphones in Salford. Also, stay tuned for a nice story about being locked in a payphone as a child, which renders the entire podcast into some sort of weird, depressing therapy session. Enjoy!